Prime and Composite numbers zombie shooter

Prime and composite numbers game - Using traditional resources in teaching math is a good way. But in this day and age where more and more children are interested in technology, teachers and parents should bank on this fact and include using technology in their maths lessons.

A good example is using online games to supplement lessons. For example, in teaching prime and composite numbers, teachers and parents can use games like prime and composite numbers zombie shooter. The game is easy to navigate and can help both teachers and parents gain the attention of the children. This game combines learning math with an interactive game of zombie shooting. Not only will the children enjoy playing, but they will also enjoy learning. The game is very flexible too. Teachers in class can use this to test the knowledge of the students. This can be used as a group activity. Parents at home can use this as a complementary lesson after a discussion on prime and composite numbers. This can also serve as an engagement activity. Whichever way teachers and parents use this online game, it will prove to a beneficial addition to the classroom and at home for those who are homeschooling.